Mini Euphorbia White Ghost

SGD 92.00
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Euphorbia 'White Ghost': Succulent with pale, nearly white stems and occasional green leaves, renowned for its ghostly appearance.

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Euphorbia 'White Ghost': Succulent with pale, nearly white stems and occasional green leaves, renowned for its ghostly appearance.

Euphorbia 'White Ghost': Succulent with pale, nearly white stems and occasional green leaves, renowned for its ghostly appearance.



This striking beauty grows up to 10 feet tall and its stems are mostly white and sharp-spined. Keep away from children and pets.

Plants images depicted are solely for illustration purposes only

Plant Care Guide


Allow the soil to dry out completely before watering. 


Tolerates low light but thrives in medium to bright indirect light environments. 


Place large pebbles around the bottom of the stem to support its weight as it grows taller. Use wooden chopsticks or stick your finger in to check if the soil is dry.