Frequently Asked

  • All plants and pots will have differences in shape, colour and size. We do our best to portray our potted plants as accurately as possible.

  • Yes, our plants are repotted into our ceramic pots using our indoor soil mixes before delivering to your doorstep.

  • If your order arrives damaged, regardless of the plant or pot due to shipping carrier mishandling, Please snap a photo and email it to us at along with your order number, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

  • If you are not satisfied with the pot you have received, returns have to be arranged on your own within 14 days of receipt, providing they are in its original condition. A full refund or exchange to another item of the same value will be processed thereafter. However, we do not provide refund or exchange for plants.

  • All our plants come with a care card, where you can find more information about the plant you’ve purchased.

  • Plants need some time to adjust to the new environment. You should monitor the moisture of the soil and take note of any changes to its leaves. You can DM us via Instagram @soilboysg or email it to us at for any questions relating to your purchase.

Delivery &
Self Collection

  • $10 off delivery for orders above $200
    $15 (3 to 5 working days delivery)
    $30 (Specific date delivery - Max 2 weeks)

  • Our Standard Delivery will take up to 3 to 5 working days for all orders.

  • Yes, you can pick up your purchase at our physical store, 9 Sin Ming Road, #01-04 S575630

  • Yes, we are located at46 Kim Yam Road, #02-07/8, Singapore 239351.

    Opening Hours:
    Tuesday – Saturday: 11am - 8pm
    Sunday: 11am - 8pm
    Closed on Monday